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Thank You to all the Delegates who attended our Inaugural 

National Aboriginal Wellbeing Conference


Our Conference was attended by approximatley 100 delegates throughout the 2 day conference.


Our delegates listened to 7 Guest Speakers


were offered choices of 9 workshops

This year’s conference theme was “Lateral Violence – Everybody’s Business” and the conference will focused on the issues related to lateral violence and showcased a number of innovative programs being delivered within our communities to address the effects to ourselves and our families.



The National Aboriginal Wellbeing Conference featured Aboriginal speakers from a range of areas who have experience and expertise in the field of lateral violence.  


This conference was attended by both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal workers who have Aboriginal clients or wish and wished to improve their current understandings of the key issues which effect Aboriginal Peoples and how these issues impacted on service delivery.  

What did the delegates think

of the Conference....


"I was extremely impressed by the level of professionalism of the speakers and workshop providers.  I found the presentations to be very relevant and useful for my work.  Also met some wonderful and inspiring attendees and enjoyed my conversations with them."

What did the delegates think

of the Conference....


"I was extremely impressed by the level of professionalism of the speakers and workshop providers.  I found the presentations to be very relevant and useful for my work.  Also met some wonderful and inspiring attendees and enjoyed my conversations with them."

I was so privileged to attend and be amongst such wonderful caring and strong proud Aboriginal people, and learn things that I can use to support others

Very relevant, informative and inspiring 

I will be re-attending in future

Excellent conference, especially liked having the option to choose between a few workshops – felt like I could engage through making my own decision in my learning 

Very privileged to have experienced Aboriginal workers facilitating the 2 days

Good luck for next year and well done again!! Congrats (Mel’s husband also) 

Feeling very inspired! 

Awesome conference 

Did a great job! Loved it all

Excellent opportunity to learn and network

Three day conference could be good, especially for those who have to travel

What some of our Delegates

thought about

our Conference... 

Thank you for this fantastic opportunity Mel.  I’ve had a wonderful insightful experience and have enjoyed learning in a comfortable environment 

Fantastic! Great in-depth and breath of information and knowledge – good connections  

It was great for a first conference – well done team – especially the girls on the door – real comedians – lol


ph 0411 562 736



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This event is

Aboriginal Owned & Hosted


Black Ochre Training

Previously Know As   

Spirit Dreaming Training & Education




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